Well hasn't the last six months just flown by.
For anyone who has tried to find out about my life in the last six months I tender my apologies. I am a lazy bastard prone to procrastination. Stuff has been happening and I will try to remember but there are no guarantees on accuracy or completeness. Here goes, in no particular order.
Polly visited. Yay. we spent some time together (not enough) visited a writers festival (the guy who wrote "He died with a felafel in his hand" was there). Went to Frank's with Mon and Morgan. So there is now someone other than myself to vouch for her existence.
By the way Polly the book arrived safe and sound thank you.
Some bastard stole my kafir lime tree and all of my spare pots but surprisingly none of the fertilizers and gardening tools lying nearby.
Went to Nebo for christmas and stayed with one of Mon,s sisters. The town was almost completely deserted as just about everyone had left over the christmas break. We were the only inhabitants in our street. Beat the heat by sitting in an inflatable pool in the shade and drinking lots o' booze (white russians for me).
I now need a machine to help me breathe at night. Apparently stopping breathing every couple of minutes is considered bad. On the plus side it has dramaticaly reduced my snoring , I get more sleep (the tests showed that I woke up about 40+ times an hour) and I can make believe that I'm Darth Vader. On the minus side it is not very comfortable, it hisses when i move and break the seal, I will need to buy a generator for when we go camping and worst of all, it is hard to snuggle up to Mon while wearing it.
Worf's leg still hasn't grown back. After more than a year I am beginning to give up hope that it will. However he now gets fresh fish offcuts from the Blue Marlin across the road so he is somewhat compensated.
I turned 38 on sunday and was rewarded with an excelent barbeque breakfast prepared by Mon. Yay Mon!
I culled my massive book collection by more than half and gave the books to lifeline. This was hard but I really have no room in this flat for all of my crap.
Back to the Zoo next week. Fortunately the evil boss zookeeper has gone on long service to write up and publish his research and hopefully never to return. Using the zoo as a laboratory to test his personal theories may seem unethical to some people (me for a start). But you do have to take into account that he has a name (which I will not give but will say has "cock" in it) is one that could easily be twisted into insulting terms by small animals. I'm sure his behavior as head zookeeper was just his unconscious revenge for a tortured childhood. (In support of my theorey, the zookeeper who most supported his reign of terror also has an unfortunate name, the most obvious derivative of which is "cockhead")
Tonight I'll be heading over to Big Waa's house to play Battlefield2 on his network.
Tomorrow (invasion day) there's a free Paul Kelly concert and then an overnight trip to the Island.
I'm prety sure that there is more than this but my memory is poor. So I'll' expand on this if I recall more and can be bothered typing it out.
For anyone who has tried to find out about my life in the last six months I tender my apologies. I am a lazy bastard prone to procrastination. Stuff has been happening and I will try to remember but there are no guarantees on accuracy or completeness. Here goes, in no particular order.
Polly visited. Yay. we spent some time together (not enough) visited a writers festival (the guy who wrote "He died with a felafel in his hand" was there). Went to Frank's with Mon and Morgan. So there is now someone other than myself to vouch for her existence.
By the way Polly the book arrived safe and sound thank you.
Some bastard stole my kafir lime tree and all of my spare pots but surprisingly none of the fertilizers and gardening tools lying nearby.
Went to Nebo for christmas and stayed with one of Mon,s sisters. The town was almost completely deserted as just about everyone had left over the christmas break. We were the only inhabitants in our street. Beat the heat by sitting in an inflatable pool in the shade and drinking lots o' booze (white russians for me).
I now need a machine to help me breathe at night. Apparently stopping breathing every couple of minutes is considered bad. On the plus side it has dramaticaly reduced my snoring , I get more sleep (the tests showed that I woke up about 40+ times an hour) and I can make believe that I'm Darth Vader. On the minus side it is not very comfortable, it hisses when i move and break the seal, I will need to buy a generator for when we go camping and worst of all, it is hard to snuggle up to Mon while wearing it.
Worf's leg still hasn't grown back. After more than a year I am beginning to give up hope that it will. However he now gets fresh fish offcuts from the Blue Marlin across the road so he is somewhat compensated.
I turned 38 on sunday and was rewarded with an excelent barbeque breakfast prepared by Mon. Yay Mon!
I culled my massive book collection by more than half and gave the books to lifeline. This was hard but I really have no room in this flat for all of my crap.
Back to the Zoo next week. Fortunately the evil boss zookeeper has gone on long service to write up and publish his research and hopefully never to return. Using the zoo as a laboratory to test his personal theories may seem unethical to some people (me for a start). But you do have to take into account that he has a name (which I will not give but will say has "cock" in it) is one that could easily be twisted into insulting terms by small animals. I'm sure his behavior as head zookeeper was just his unconscious revenge for a tortured childhood. (In support of my theorey, the zookeeper who most supported his reign of terror also has an unfortunate name, the most obvious derivative of which is "cockhead")
Tonight I'll be heading over to Big Waa's house to play Battlefield2 on his network.
Tomorrow (invasion day) there's a free Paul Kelly concert and then an overnight trip to the Island.
I'm prety sure that there is more than this but my memory is poor. So I'll' expand on this if I recall more and can be bothered typing it out.