Location: Downsville, Australia

Either you know, in which case there's no point reminding you. Or you don't, in which case why are you checking out my blog. Actually that last sentence seems prety antisocial. However I still cannot be arsed giving any more info. Just read the blog and you might get some idea.

Monday, November 19, 2007

As I type this my father is in hospital having a large gall stone removed from his bile duct. Yesterday he had emergency surgery to remove his gall bladder. Serious symptoms only manifested on Saturday night. He thought it was his heart but the pain didn't go away. Mon knew exactly what it was and how serious, accurately predicting even the surgery. Her diagnosis was about a day ahead of that of the doctors.
It will be a trial getting him to stay in bed and do nothing. Unfortunately this also means that the 40th anniversary party for him and mum this Saturday has been cancelled.

Went to Paradise Lagoon at Big Crystal Creek far a picnic and swim on Saturday. Paradise is the right name for it. Wonderfully clear water which was not too cold and a day that wasn't too hot. As we were leaving a light rain started. The next day heavier showers gave some much needed relief to this dry old town. According to Mon, it was probably the consumption of loads of greasy chicken wings at the picnic which triggered dad's attack.


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