Preparing for a brighter future

Location: Downsville, Australia

Either you know, in which case there's no point reminding you. Or you don't, in which case why are you checking out my blog. Actually that last sentence seems prety antisocial. However I still cannot be arsed giving any more info. Just read the blog and you might get some idea.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Maybe this blog should be called "See You Next Month"

Well I have allowed my slackness to delay updates to the blog again. So here goes the condensed version.

Firstly, Worf is doing fine. The first few days after the op he loathed me and would cower from me which I guess was fair enough. Despite the loss of a limb he is now much heavier than the skeletal wretch he was when he reappeared. He is a bit sooky but that just means he is more sociable (especially when he needs to scratch his left {hind-legless} side). His leaping abilities have gone from "what the hell are you doing up there, no, don't knock that off you bloody cat". To laughably pathetic, falling short, going sideways or clinging on for dear life. Mon accuses me of spoiling him just because I cater to his every need and put things out to help him climb rather than making him have to leap to places he wants to get to.

In other news I am getting two paid days work per week at the zoo until the end of the year. Which helps ameliorate the financial dificulties Worf's op caused.

Went along to anti-IR rally and will be joining the relevant union for my job tomorrow. Having experienced and heard about some less than ethically upstanding (possibly even sociopathic) employers, I am of the opinion that we should cater for the lowest common denominator which the new laws don't. In addition to this, it seems that advocating strikes and civil disobedience, which is part of the plan for the anti-IR campaign, falls well within the bounds of the proposed anti-subversion laws (bit of a coincidence eh). FURTHER POLITICAL RANTING DELETED AND WILL BE EXPANDED APON ONLY IF REQUESTED OR TO REPLY TO COMMENTS (unless of courseI get worked up about things and need to vent) DUE TO A WISH NOT TO ALIENATE MY FRIENDS AND/OR SOUND LIKE A PRAT OR A CRAZY PERSON (possibly a bit too late for that {in which case Fuck you Howard I hope you get head cancer and die in agony and madness and the sooner the better})

Otherwise everything continues much as it usually does.