Location: Downsville, Australia

Either you know, in which case there's no point reminding you. Or you don't, in which case why are you checking out my blog. Actually that last sentence seems prety antisocial. However I still cannot be arsed giving any more info. Just read the blog and you might get some idea.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just an update.

Went to the police and real estate. Turns out his parents manage his affairs and deal with the real estate. The police had a chat with him. His mum brought him over to apologize to me. He denies throwing Worf over the fence (mummy says he wouldn't do such a thing). Feel sorry for his mother who really had to work hard to keep him in line. Apology couldn't have been less sincere if it had been Howard saying sorry to the Stolen generation. He even wrote a sorry note but screwed it up instead of giving it to me. Slammed door in his face when he started to gloat. However he did promise to leave me alone and so far this is the case.

Moving may be a problem. There are no places of less rent than where I am. One squalid little unit at equal price. Anywhere remotely livable starts at another $40.00/week more. So it goes


Blogger Tazza said...

Sorry to hear about the Worfster.

Em passed away last month, peacefully in her sleep. She was getting very old and tottery and arthritic, but she still purred like a train. She is buried under a pine tree on my parents property, and Elena goes to talk to her now and then and says she can see her spirit dancing in the tree.


9:51 PM  

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