Location: Downsville, Australia

Either you know, in which case there's no point reminding you. Or you don't, in which case why are you checking out my blog. Actually that last sentence seems prety antisocial. However I still cannot be arsed giving any more info. Just read the blog and you might get some idea.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

No News Is Good News

As a blogger I have been pretty dismal with the regularity of my posts. While there has been a lot happening I am currently not really in the mood to update everyone on everything at the moment.

Sadly I have only one thing that I feel the need to report at the moment.

Mr Worf is no longer with us. On Tuesday night he was mauled by the neighbor's dogs. The injuries were: a broken pelvis, a deep puncture at the base of his tail, several smaller bite injuries and severe bruising to his one remaining hind leg. The blood tests given by the vet revealed that he had diabetes and serious kidney problems. After several days at the veterinary clinic he showed signs of going downhill. Even his breathing became difficult and at the end every breath ended in a faint moan (the dodgy kidneys meant that a strong pain killer was not advisable). On Sunday afternoon at ten past five he was put to sleep. He was fifteen and a half years old and I loved him very much. He is now buried at my parent's property at black river.

My gratitude goes out to the staff of Green Cross vets Aitkenvale for doing all that they could for him and for putting fresh flowers on the table for his last moments.

Hopefully I will pull my finger out and gove a more complete update sometime soon.

The next bit is more unpleasant and I don't actually recommend that anybody read it (yet still I feel the need to write it down). That goes especially for you Polly.

As for how the dogs next door got hold of him I have two theories. They are locked in their yard at all times and Worf was not stupid enough to go through the fence. In fact I have never seen him enter that yard even when there were no dogs (he has grown quite timid in his old age). However he would often go to the toilet near the fence and they may have grabbed him through the bars. This seems unlikely but it is a possibility.

The second theory is more unpleasant. The tenant of the flat above me is very strange, at first I thought that he must have spent most of his time drunk or stoned (this may still be the case allong with the following). Now I am leaning towards severe mental ilness and an urgent need to be institutionalised. After he moved in upstairs he started accusing me of stinking up his flat. (This is the same flat that was once occupied by Ernie the Ogre. A person so foul that towards the end of his tenancy urine would drip down through the ceiling from his bedroom [do not pity him for his incontinence, he was a font of malice]. A person who just chucked his befouled mattress off the balcony and left it when he moved out. His flat required two days to be rendered habitable by a crew of professional cleaners. However, unless they ripped up the floorboards and decontaminated the space below then his foulness must still remain. I have noticed that tenants rarely stay long in that flat.) Just after Worf was attacked a letter was stuck to the door of my flat. I will not transcribe what it said but will say that it could not have been written by a sane person. In it's ramblings it included the foulest and most abusive language I have ever encountered (and I once worked in a place where everyone referred to each other using the C word) and explicit threats of violence both to myself and to Worf (I am also aparrently responsible for him not being able to find a woman). So I feel that there is a good chance that he may have grabbed Worf and thrown him over the fence to the dogs.

As for the letter, it is so alarming in it's content that Mon says that I should take it to the police and the real estate agent. I am tending towards agreement.



Blogger Polysemous said...

yes, Mon is absolutely right - make copies and give the original straight to the police and a copy to the rental agent.
and perhaps it's time to move.

polly (you know i can't do as instructed)

6:31 PM  
Blogger Da Simonster said...

I am so sorry to hear about Worf (despite his occasional maulings of me which I ascribe almost entirely to Jimbo). I hope you are OK.

And sadly, yes, I agree with Polly and think it may be time to consider moving. The place doesn't really seem to have provided you with much sanctuary.

Good luck,

4:45 AM  
Blogger Eight Lives Left said...

polly pointed me this direction and I want to give you my condolences on Worf and to tell you, yes yes yes bring that letter to the police.

People can be terrible. It is acceptable to fight back.


8:46 AM  
Blogger Dr Clam said...

I appreciated my time with Worf and am very sad to hear of his end. Simon and Polly are right. Get out of there if you can. Best of luck.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Oh man, I am so sorry that you had to go through something like this. Poor Worf, that's horrible.

This doesn't sound like someone you can really deal with (or should have to, for that matter). Someone who can carries out threats against animals isn't someone who can be trusted to know where the line is.

Keep your eyes open for your chance to get out of there. Something will come up sooner or later. Grab it and don't look back.


6:36 AM  

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